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Clifton E. Marsh

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Clifton E. Marsh
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
InndeClifton Taƴto
Innde ɓesnguMarsh Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo10 Juko 1946 Taƴto
WoldeInngilisjo Taƴto
Sana'ajihistorian Taƴto
Janngi toSyracuse University Taƴto

Dr. Clifton E. Marsh (born August 10, 1946 ) is an American author, sociologist and educator. He has written a number of books that chronicle the history of various people of the African Diaspora.

Dr. Marsh anndiraa ngam kuugal maako dow lesdi Islama nder The Lost-Founded Nation of Islam in America (Scarecrow Press, Inc. 1996). Deftere nden ɗon tokki aada C. Eric Lincoln's The Black Muslims in America, ko ɗum ardii haɓɓugo lesdi Islama, Eliya Muhammad e Malcolm X nder hakkillo Amerik. L'Ontation Lost-Found of Islam in America ɗon haɓɓii taariika jamma, ɗon haɓɓiti boo ko'e marɗe ɓaawooje e ko'e ma'a bana ɓaawo Louis Farrakhan bana ardiiɗo duniyaaru; International Saviours' Day Conference of 1994 nder Accra, Ghana, e Million Man March nder 1995.

Dr. Marsh boo woni mawɗo nder Journey to Shanara: a Love Story and a Proposal to Freedom, deftere poemji je "ndol ngol ɓeydi ɓeydiɗam e yimɓe, e yimɓe, be yimɓe ɓe ɓeydi e lesdi, be yimɓe Amerika, be yimɓe fuu, be yimɓe duniyaaru" nder Los Angeles Sentinel nder nder nder 22 August 1974 nder nder nder nder. Deftere nden ɗon ɗaɓɓita anndal ɓaleeɓe, hawti bee ɓaleeɓe ɓaleeɓe e dow hakkillooji ummaatooje ɗi ɗi ɗi waɗi ɓaleeɓe ɗi. Haŋkadi e ɗuum, kuuje mawɗe nder kuugal hawti e yiɗde "muusik, yiɗde, e rewɓe". Kuugal ngal holli ko "New Black Poetry", hono no Marsh winndi e ɗemngal pulaar e nder ɗemngal ɓurngal pulaar, no nandi e rapping, ko e hoore ɗun o yiɗaa ko e nder ɗeen ɗemɗe ɗe ɗemngal Farayse waɗata.

Dottore Marsh, mo ɓooyɗo Los Angeles, California, o jeyaaɗo e nder nder nder nder dowla fuɗnaango nder California State University, Long Beach. O waɗi haa o heɓii doktoor nder ilmu ummatoore nder Jaŋde Syracuse. O ɗon wondi moolinoowo kuuɗe ummaatooje e ummaatooje nder Tidewater Community College nder Norfolk, Virginia. Ko o waɗii e dow dow dow dow janngude, o jeyaa e hooreejo jaango jaango dow ɗemngal social science e Morris Brown College e Atlanta e jaango dow sociology e Hampton University e Virginia.

  • Yimɓe Islamaaɓe ɓe ɓeen ɓeen ɓe njiɗi nder Amerik, (Scarecrow Press 1996, 2000)
  • Harford County, Maryland Homeless and Shelter Survey: Housing and Shelter in a Community in Transition, (University Press of America 1995)
  • Diga juulɓe to juulɓe: Fuuɗugo diga sepatatisma to juulde, 1930-1980, (Scarecrow Press 1984)
  • Dunyanko'en Virgin Islands: a History, (Wyndham Hall Press 1985)
  • Analisa social-historical of the Emancipation of 1848 and the Labor Revolt of 1878 in the Danish Virgin Islands, (Caribbean Research Institute 1981)
  • Summer 72, (Shanara Publications 1976)
  • Jahaade to Shanara: haala yiɗde e jaaynde to Freedom (Shanara Publications 1974)