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Federal College of Education, Abeokuta

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Federal College of Education, Abeokuta
academic institution
Golle imaaɗe1976 Taƴto
Laamu inndeFederal College of Education, Abeokuta Taƴto
AffiliationUniversity of Ibadan, Lagos State University Taƴto
Jammoore leydiMoulding for Excellence Taƴto
DuungalAfirik Taƴto
LesdiNaajeeriya Taƴto
Nder laamooreAbeokuta Taƴto
LocationOgun Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto7°11′49″N 3°27′11″E Taƴto
Street addressP.M.B. 2096, Ogun State Taƴto
Email addressmailto:fceabeokuta@gmail.com Taƴto
Laawol ngol laamu anndanihttps://fce-abeokuta.edu.ng/ Taƴto
Kolleeji jaŋde leslesre Abeokuta Logo

Federal College of Education Abeokuta (FCEA), (ko anndiraa ko Federal Advanced Teachers College) ko jaŋde ummaatoore nde marɗo hakke hokkude certificate National in Education (NCE) to jannginooɓe jaŋde. Ɗum haɓɓiti nder hitaande 1976 e Osiele, Diiwal Ogun, worgo hirnaange Naajeeriya. Wuro hooreejo leydi jooni woni Dr. Rafiu Adekola Soyele. Jaŋde ɗon ɗon waɗi kuuje tati: NCE, jaŋde nder jaŋde Ibadan e jaŋde Diiwal Lagos, e PGDE.

Jaŋde nden woni jaŋde arande nder Diiwal Ogun. Jaango ngoo fuɗɗii huutoraade e hitaande 1976, nder nokkuure nde Abeokuta Grammar School, arande nde ɓe njaara to nokkuure permanent nder hitaande 1978 to Osiele. Nder lewru Julaay 2020, suudu ɗon ɗon maɓɓina ngam sappo ɗiɗi nde go'oto nder maɓɓe maayi ngam nyau COVID-19 nden ɗiɗo feere boo maayi ngam virus.

yiyngo atletee to duɗal jaaɓi haaɗtirde fedde Abeokuta

Jaɓɓorgo Fedde Ɓamtaare Fedde Ɓamɓe e Fedde Ɓamtuɓe

  • Jaŋde Arts and Social Science
  • Jaŋde Jannde
  • Jaŋde Ɗemɗe
  • Sannde Sayense
  • Jaŋde janngirde

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