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administrative territorial entity
LesdiNaajeeriya Taƴto
LamordeDiiwal Gombe Taƴto
Nder laamooreDiiwal Gombe Taƴto
Hiiri-weeti pelleUTC+01:00 Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto10°17′0″N 11°10′0″E Taƴto
Office held by head of governmentChairman of Gombe local government Taƴto
Laamu battaa ensupervisory councillors of Gombe local government Taƴto
Laamu depitee enGombe legislative council Taƴto

Gombe (Fula gelle/wuro Gombe) un gelle mawɗe e hare hautirɗe Diiwal Gombe wayla fuunaa Naajeeriya hauti e ƙiyastago ɗuɗirka yimɓe ɗun 261,536.[1]Gelle ɗen ɗun hore hautirɗe laamu diiwal Gombe. Ɗe diiwal finnaatawa ngal suɗdi ɗuɗdun ɗun diiwal Gombe.[2] Diiwal Gombe e wolwira bolle ɗudde baano hauti e hausare, fulfulde, e tangale e hauti e luttuɗe. Nyaɓɓiɗe faadeyesso diiwal eɗer diiwal haa e maɓɓutuki ɗun bekesun wuro jipporɗe piroje ɗe duniyaru nder 2008 e maugu diiwal gelle heɓinki solar nanage.[3]

Juulirde der Gombe

[4]Ɗuɗirka Yimɓe

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Diiwal Gombe un ɗuɗirɓe ɗe fulɓe yimɓe ɓe ɗuɗiri haabano caaka ɗuɗirka ko koɓuri caaka ɗun ɗuɗirka yimmɓe diiwal ngal luttuɗi lasgi kongi eɗer haaɓe bolankoen, teraen, wajaen, e hausa’en yimɓe. Hukuma pamarun ɗun eɗun woodi geɓbol baano kilomitae 52km2 e ɗuɗirka yimmɓe ɗun 480,000 eɗun hissago 2006. Boldal biagal post code ngal geɓal ngal un 70.

Siyaasaje (cuɓii)

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Chairmanjo mo hukuma pamaarun mo joni kanako wooni Alhaji Ali Ashaka.

Diiwal gombe

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  1. "The World Gazetteer". Archived from the original on 2007-10-01. Retrieved 2004-03-07.
  2. "Gombe State". Online Nigeria Daily News. Archived from the original on 2011-10-30. Retrieved 2010-09-21.
  3. "Gombe approves N3.2 Billion contract for solar streetlights installation". Businessday NG (in Engeleere). 2021-02-11. Retrieved 2022-03-22.
  4. https://saharareporters.com/2023/02/24/how-apc-senator-uses-women-groups-subtle-vote-buying-gombe