Jamirawo pulaaku
Jamirobe pulaaku Wonɗe innde ɗuuɗɗe (e ɗemɗe ɗe innde ɗen) huutoreeɗe nder ɗemɗe goɗɗe ngam holla Fulɓe.Fulani nder Farayse ɗon, ƴettu diga kalkaaku Hausare.Fula, diga Ɗemɗe Manding, naftiraama e Farayse, e feere feere e haalan Fulah ko Fullah.Fula e Fulani ina huutoroo nder Farayse, hawti e nder Afrik. Farayse'en njogii wolfooji Wolof Pël, ko ɗum haalanta feere feere: Peul, Peulh, e maa Peuhl.ɗun Fulfulde / Fulɓe, ɗun ko ko ɓurnde ɓurnde (singular, Pullo) ɗun ko Fulbe, ɗun ko ɓurndi ɓurnde naftiraade.
Nder Portugal, ko Fula ko Futafula Fallata, Fallatah, ko Fellata ko ko Arabji, e nder ɓurna fu ko Fulani yimɓe ɓe anndi e nder be nder Leysdi Chad e Sudan.Yimɓe Toucouleur nder Leysdi Senegal ɗon mbi'a Fulfulde / Pulaaku, ɓe ɗon wi'a hoore maɓɓe Haalpulaaren, ko ɓe mbi'a Pulaar.fuɗɗii waɗugo e yimɓe Farayse nder karnijum 19 ɓe fecciri hakkunde Toucouleurs ɓe mbi'a wonɓe jooɗiiɓe, ɓe ngalaa hakkiilo, ɓe ngaɗi haani, ɓe ngaɗani ko woni e leyɗe Europe, e Peulhs ɓe mbi'i ɓe ɓe ngalaa haani, ɗi ngalaa hakkeelo, ɓe ngaɗa hakkiilo e ɓe ngaɗata ko ɓe ngaɗi, amma ɗi ɗi ngalaa goonga.
Nder Portugal, ko Fula ko Futafula
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Fallata, Fallatah, ko Fellata ko ko Arabji, e nder ɓurna fu ko Fulani yimɓe ɓe anndi e nder be nder lesdi Chad e Sudan. Yimɓe Toucouleur nder lesdi Senegal ɗon mbi'a Fulfulde / Pulaar, ɓe ɗon wi'a hoore maɓɓe Haalpulaaren, ko ɓe mbi'a Pulaar fuɗɗii waɗugo e yimɓe Farayse nder karnijum 19 ɓe fecciri hakkunde Toucouleurs ɓe mbi'a wonɓe jooɗiiɓe, ɓe ngalaa hakkiilo, ɓe ngaɗi haani, ɓe ngaɗani ko woni e leyɗe Europe, e Peulhs ɓe mbi'i ɓe ɓe ngalaa haani, ɗi ngalaa hakkeelo, ɓe ngaɗa hakkiilo e ɓe ngaɗata ko ɓe ngaɗi, amma ɗi ɗi ngalaa goonga.
Koode Burnde
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Innde pulaaku ɓaleeɓe e nder Guinea, Sierra Leone, Siera Bissau e nder worgo Senegal ngoni: Diallo (leɗɗe Farayse), Jallow walla Jalloh (Gambiya, Siera Leone e Liberia), Djalo (Cap Verde e Siera Bisau), Sow, Barry, Bah walla Ba, Baldé, e Diouldé. Ɗe innde Fulani (Toucouleur) feere nder Gine e woyla Senegal ngoni: Tall, Sall, Diengue, Sy, Anne, Ly, Wann, Dia e woɓɓe.Nder Mali, innde Fulani ɓurɗe heɓaade ko Diallo, Diakité, Dia, Sow, Sidibé, Sangaré, Ba, Dicko, Bocoum, Tall, Kah, ekn. Innde ɗe ina waawi heɓude e nder Fulani yimɓe nder diiwaan Mali e nder Mopti, Macina, Nioro, Kidal, Tomboctou, Gao, Sikasso, e woɗɓe. Nder nokkuure Wasulu (Wassoulou) Mali, innde ɓurɗe ɓurnde e nder Fula'en ko Diallo, Diakité, Sidibé e SangaréYimɓe Fula ɗuuɗɓe diga Leysdi Wasulu ɓe maayi baawɗe maɓɓe haalaaji ɗemngal maɓɓe ngam ɓaawo ɓaawo ɓiyugo e haɓɓugo e lenyol Mandé (ko ɓuri fuu yimɓe Bambara) nder Leysdi ndin [2/9, 11:37 Aadii heewɓe maɓɓe ɓe ɗon haalaa ɗemngal Fula, ɓe ɗon mbaawaa haalde feere feere nder anndal maɓɓe ngal Fula Gooto nder yimɓe ɓurɓe anndude e fuɗɗam Wasulu Fula ko Oumou Sangaré, mawɗo mawɗo Mali mo noddaama " songbird of Wasulu " ngam ko o wi'i e ko o wiyi e ko o yi'i.Yimɓe ɓurɓe nder Sangaré ɗon mari hakkiilo rewɓe nder Afirka e hawtuki ɓerɗe feere feere nder Mali. O yahdi to beje ɗuuɗɗe nder Afrik hirnaange, hawti e Kameruun, ngam huutore bee mawɓe Fula feere feere e ngam semmbinaago jawdi Fulani nder Wasulu.Bocoum, Dia (e nder Farayse "Jah"), Kah, e Kane ko woɓɓe innde saare hakkunde Diawambe/Jawambe (Singular: Dianwando/Jawando e Diokoramé/Jokoromeh e nder Bambara) Mali.Jawambe'en ngoni feewde feewde Fulanis diga Mali e ɓe anndiraa ngam jaaynde.Won feere mawɓe mawɓe Jawando Fula ɓeen ko Afel Bocoum e Inna Modja. Nder Mopti, ha ɓaawo suunaaji Fula je ɗon faami bana ɗi ɗum wi'i, on heɓay suunaaji bana Cissé e Touré. Ko ɗum waɗi, ko e nder Mopti ɓe njaɓaani ɗemngal e aada Fula nder duuɓi cappanɗe, e jooni ɓe ndaari hoore maɓɓe ɓe je je je je tawata e lenyol Fula.Misaalu manngal ngal woni Amadou Toumani Touré,hooreejo Mali arande.
Fedde Jeyya
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Yimɓe Fula ɗon haandi bana ɗuɗɗum, nder Sahel diga maayo Atlantic haa maayo Sundu, ɓurna nder Afrik hirnaange.Ɓeydi noon, woɗɓe ɗon mbi'a ɗemɗe goɗɗe nder lesdi ɗi ɓe njooɗi, ngam Fulani ɗuuɗɓe ɗon ɗemɗe ɗiɗi koo boo tato.Ɗemɗe ɗe hawti e Farayse, Hausa, Bambara, Wolof, Soninke, e Arabji.Fulani'en ɓurɓe ɓurnde e Zinder leydi Fouta Djallon nder Leysdi Gine feccere e dow lesdi feccere haa haa haa haa to baŋnge woyla haa haa haa lesdi Sierra Leone; Futa Tooro nder leydi Senegal e nder worgo Mauritania; nder Leysdi Macina nder Leysdi Niijar nder lesdi Mali; e nder nokkuuje haade Mopti e Nioro Du Sahel nder lesdi Kayes; nder lesdi Borgu nder lesdi Benin, Togo, e nder lesdi Nigeria fuunaaŋgo; nder lesdi Burkina Faso haa haa to woyla haa to saheli nder Leysdi Sierra Leone, nder lesdi Seno, Wadalan, e Soom; e nder lesdi Sokoto, nder lesdi ndi ɗo ɗo ɗo ɗo nder lesdi Niiger feccere, e lesdi Naajeeriya fuuno (taaki nder Leysdi Niijar, e nder leydi Katsina, e nder leyɗe Sokoto, e nder nder lesdi Kebbi, e nder beeɓe, e nder maayo Bauchi, e nder maaje, e nder ladde Adamawa, e nder manngo Adamawa, nder Leysdi Cameroon).Ɗo woni nokkuure anndiraaɗo Fombina/Hombina, ko adii "leɗɗe" nder Adamawa Fulfulde, ngam ɗum daranii ko ɓuri fuɗnaade e fuɗnaange Fulɓe dow laamu Afrik hirnaange.Nder nokkuure nde, Fulfulde woni ɗemngal ngal, e ɗemngal haalde aada.Ɓeydi fuunaaŋge nokkuure nden, ummaatooje Fulani laati mawɓe, e woodi nder ɗemɗe ummatoore ɗe ɓe ɗon mbaɗata.'e ko nokkuuje nder lesdi Chari-Baguirmi e koode ndiyamji, nder lesdi Chad e nder lesdi Central African Republic, nder lesdi Ouaddaï nder lesdi Chad fuunaaŋge, nder lesdi Kordofan, Darfur e nder lesdi Nile Blue, nder lesdi Sennar, nder lesdi Kassala nder lesdi Sudan, e nder lesdi Port Sudan nder maayo Silla.Fulani'en nder laawol maɓɓe to Makka, Sawuudi Arabiya, ɓe njooɗi nder nokkuuje ɗuuɗɗe nder fuunaaŋge Sudan, hannde ɓe ndokka ummaatoore feere-feere yimɓe ɓurɗe miliyaaruuji ɗiɗi ɓe noddaama Fellata.Nde ɓe ɗon jooɗortoo nder Afrik hirnaange fuɗɗii nder ɓadiije dow laana dow laana nder Mali, Senegal, e Mauritania, ɓe ɗon ɓadi jooni, ɓaawo duuɓi ɗuuɗɗi ɗi ɓe ɗon njahi e ɓe ɗon njaha, ɓe ɗon haajina nder lesdi hirnaange e Afrik caka.Fulani Yimɓe ɗon jooɗori nokkuure mawnde nder leydi ndii nder nder fannu fuunaaŋge fuunaaŋgal fuunaaŋgo haa baŋnge Sahara, e fuunaaŋgi haa baŋnge maayo. Won ko ɓuri miliyaaruuji 25 Fulani yimɓe Won feere feere tati Fulani dow laabi jooɗorde, ko'e: nomad-pastoral ko Mbororo, semi-nomad, e Fulani jooɗorde ko "dune" Fulani'en ɓe ɗon jeyaa bee dabbaaji maɓɓe nder hitaande fuu. Fuu, ɓe ɗon jooɗa nder nokkuure nde wakkati fu (taare lebbi ɗiɗi e nayi).Fulaniɓe fuɗɗiiɓe fuɗɗugo ɓeen waawaa wonde Fulɓeɓe ɓeen ɓeen ɓe njooɗoto e wakkati feere-feere nder hitaande, koo Fulɓe ɓeen "ɓe "taƴata" ko ɓeen ɓe ɗon njooɗata, e ko ɓe mari dabbaaji, ɓeen ɓe ngartataa e wuro maɓɓe, ɓeen ngoni "ɓe ngartata".Nde ɓe ɗon jooɗortoo nder Afrik hirnaange fuɗɗii nder ɓadiije dow laana dow laana nder Mali, Senegal, e Mauritania, ɓe ɗon ɓadi jooni, ɓaawo duuɓi ɗuuɗɗi ɗi ɓe ɗon njahi e ɓe ɗon njaha, ɓe ɗon haajina nder lesdi hirnaange e Afrik caka.Fulani Yimɓe ɗon jooɗori nokkuure mawnde nder leydi ndii nder nder fannu fuunaaŋge fuunaaŋgal fuunaaŋgo haa baŋnge Sahara, e fuunaaŋgi haa baŋnge maayo maayo. Won ko ɓuri miliyaaruuji 25 Fulani yimɓe.Won ko ɓuri miliyaaruuji 25 Fulani yimɓe.Won feere feere tati Fulani dow laabi jooɗorde, ko'e: nomad-pastoral ko Mbororo, semi-nomad, e Fulani jooɗorde ko "dun. Fulani'en ɗon ɓe ɗon ɓeya nder kawtal e ɓe ɗon ɓeye ɓe ɗon ɓeyi dow nokkuuje ɗe ɓe ɗon ɓeyan. Ko e nder nder nder nder leydi fuu, woodi ɓeydi ɓeydi e nder nder go'o.Won ko ɓuri miliyaaruuji 25 Fulani yimɓe.Won ko ɓuri miliyaaruuji 25 Fulani yimɓe.Won feere feere tati Fulani dow laabi jooɗorde, ko'e: nomad-pastoral ko Mbororo, semi-nomad, e Fulani jooɗorde ko "dune Fulani'en ɗon ɓe ɗon ɓeya nder kawtal e ɓe ɗon ɓeye ɓe ɗon ɓeyi dow nokkuuje ɗe ɓe ɗon ɓeyan. Ko e nder nder nder nder leydi fuu, woodi ɓeydi ɓeydi e nder nder go'o.
Ha Dow ɗo listol mawbe Fulɓe
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Fuuɓe, ɓe ɓooyɓe nder ɓooyɗe goɗɗe, ɓe ɗon ɓooyde e ɓooyre e ɓoowɗe e ɓoolɗe e ɓoowooje e ɓoolnugo e ɓowolɗe e ɓolɗe e ɗemɗe e ɓowɗe e ɗam, e ɓoowoɓe fuɗnaare Fulɓe fuɗnanɓe ɓooyɗi e ɓooldanaare ɓoolɓe e ɓoonduɗe e ɓaawo ɓoolde e ɓoowolɗe fuɗnaange.Nder haala aada, fulɓe ɓesnguɓe ɓesngaaɓe ɗon hawta hakkunde fulɓe fuunaaŋge e fuunaaŋre.Misaalu, Massina Fulɓe ɗon ma kori nanondiral e lesdi Naajeeriya e lesdi Kamerun (yanngooɓe) (ji ɗiɗo fuu ɗon timmi su'aalaaji su'aala bee "na?"), bana boo nder lesdi Senegal e lesdi Gine (yanngaaɓe) Fulɓe (ji ɗi timmi suɓelaaji su'aaɗi bee ɗam ɗam).Ngam maajum, goɗɗi goɗɗi ɗi hirnaange ɓurɗi feere diga goɗɗi fuunaange e ko wayi no no.Ammaa fuu e nder fuu, ɓe fuu ɓe ɗon mari kuuɗe aada ɓurɗe ɗuuɗugo.Nder Gana, limgal Fulani ɗon anndaaki ngam hakkilantaaku nder lesdi, hawti e naaftaki Fulani nder limgal yimɓe nder lesdi Ghana.Ɗuum holli feere feere e stereotype kalluɗum dow Fulani
Taariiha Taariika
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Fedde Fulani'en ɗon laaɓta, nden no woodi dowji feere-feere ɗon haɓɓata.Bana yimɓe ɓe ɓe ɗon cembiɗina, ɓe ɗon njahi nder e nder aada ɗuuɗɗe, ngam ɗum waɗata ɗum saɗi ngam ɓe ɗon ɗaɓɓita no ɓe mari e taariika maɓɓe bee yimɓe feere.Fuuji dow asal maɓɓe fuɗɗii nder wakkati laamorde e koloniyaare Europe ngam ɓalli maɓɓe ɓalli, ɓalli maɓɓe mawɗi e ɓalli maɓɓe.Fulani'en ɗon holla ko fuɗɗam maɓɓe ɗon ha Afrik woyla.E nder ɓe'e, ɓe'e fuɗɗii ɓesdaade e nder hawtaade hakkunde yimɓe Afrik hirnaange e yimɓe Afrik woyla bana Berber'en e Misra'en.Fula ɓurɗo anndude nder taarihki footi ɓaawo wurtugo nder Bibel.Maurice Delafosse wi'i ɗi mbaawataa haani ɓaawo Put, ɓiɗɗo Ham.Josephus winndi dow Futi'en, yimɓe jamanuɓe nder leydi Libiyaa.
Yisimɓe ɓe Njaara
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Fulani'en ɓeen ɓeen laamiiɓe laamiiɓe ɓeen ɓe ɓeen ɓe mbaɗi leydi maɓɓe e yimɓe feere ɓadiiɓe, bana Soninke, ɓe ɓeen mbeltiima ɓesngu Gana, e ɓesngu fuuna e hirnaange ɓeen ɓe'e ɓeen ɓe laamiiɓe leɗɗe walla Fulɓe ladde. Nde yimɓe fuɗɗiiɓe ɓesdaade ɓeen ɓeen ɓe ɓeen ɓe ɓeydi ɓeydi, ngam ɓeen ɓe keɓii leydi ngam ɓeen njogii nder Sahel e leydiji ɗi ɓeen ɓe ɗo ɓeen ɓe ngaddani nder worgo.Ɓeydaaki lesdi fuɗɗi fuɗugo nder Fulani, yimɓe ɓe ɓe ɓe ɓe ɗon ɓe ɗon ɓe ɓe ɗon nder lesdi fuɗugo ɓe ɓe ɗon ɓeyda ɓe ɗon ɓe ɗo ɓe ɗon ɓe ɓeyda ngam ɓe acca laawol Fulani, ɓe ɗon njooɗugo nder gariiri [2/9, 12:10 PM] Fulani2 Fulaniji gariiri ɗi ɗon je ɗon fuɗɗita ngam tagdi ɓe ɗon je ɗon je ɗon ɗon je ɗon ɓe ɗon je'a ngam ɓe ɗon jeya nder nokkuure feere feere, ngam ɓe ɗon ɓe ɗon ɓeje. Fuuji fuɗɗuki Fulani nder fuu, diga hirnaange to fuunaaŋge Sudan ɗon jeyaaɗum Delafosse, gooto e ardiiɓe anndude taariha Fulani e aada, e nder ko ɓuri fuu e dow aada, waɗi no Fulani immorde fuɗɗii Fuuta-Tooro e yaaki fuunaaŋge hakkunde karnijum 11 e 14.Ha nder karnijum 15, woodi ɓeydi ɓeydi fuɗugo Fulɓe to Hausaland, e ɓaawo ɗun, to Bornu.Wondugo maɓɓe nder Baghirmi haawnii ha fuɗɗam karnijum 16.Ha fuɗɗii 18th century, Fulani'en ɗon haandi bee bee bee nder benue River valley e ko'e mum.Ɓe ɓeydi haa fuunaaŋge haa Garoua e Rey Bouba, e haa worgo haa maayo Faro, haa fuunaango Mambilla Plateau, ɓe ɓeydi ɓaawo ɗon ɓe ɓeyda nder duuɓi ɓaawo Ɓurɗe ɓurɗe ɓurnugo nder nokkuuje maɓɓe nder Gurin, lesdi Chamba, Cheboa, Turua e Bundang ko leydi Fula: Fuuta Kingi, ko wayi no 'Fuuta Jaare', ko hawti e Tagant Plateau, Assaba Region, Hodh, Futa Toro e nokkuure ɓadake Nioro du Sahel; Fuuta Keyri, 'Fuuta keso', hawti e Futa Djallon, Massina, Sokoto, e Adamawa Region; Fuuta Jula woni diispora Fula mawɓe e ƴellitooɓe nder diiwaanuuji feere.
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Fulani'en, Arabaaɓe immorde e Hausa'en ɗon njaɓɓa feere feere nder aada maɓɓe