Koololol Mount Zion AME (Jacksonville, Florida)
Lesdi | Dowlaaji Dentuɗi |
Nder laamoore | Florida |
Jonde kwa'odineto | 30°19′51″N 81°38′9″W |
Architectural style | Romanesque architecture |
Heritage designation | National Register of Historic Places listed place |
Eklesiya AME mo tufnde Siyon ko eklesiya taariindi to Jacksonville, Florida, leyɗeele dentuɗe Amerik. O woni ko e 201 laawol Beaver fuɗnaange. Ñalnde 30 desaambar 1992, nde ɓeydaa e binnditagol nokkuuji daartol Amerik. "AME" ko limto Episkopal Metodist Afrik, diine diine.
Caggal konu lesdi, yimɓe feere-feere ɓe ɓe njooɗani "Society" ngam mawninki diina. Nder 28 Julaay 1866, goomu ndu'e anndini dow ko'e maɓɓe ko Mount Zion A.M.E. Church. Koolol ngal heɓi laamuuji ɗi haa fombina fuɗnaange Beaver e Newnan Streets, nden ɓe nyiɓi suudu maare ngam kuugal mawninki nder nokkuure nden. Nder hitaande 1870 ɓe nyiɓi coci mawnde nder leɗɗe, ɓaawo duuɓi noogas ɓe nyiɓi suudu seniindu ɓurɗum mawnde, e ko hawti e jooɗol yimɓe 1,500.
Nder lebbi nayi ɓaawo yiite mawde nder 1901 halki suudu ndu, kuuje ngam suudu diina ndu'o ɗon ɗon ɗon waɗa. E nder nder warugo nder nder lewru Septemba 1901, ɗum waɗi ɗum taƴii $18 000 ngam mahuki suudu nder Romanesque Revival. Ɗeeje ɗe architecture bana window arked e dammugal, window art-glass, bell tower, contraste brick quoins, e crenelated parapet hawti e design maako. Maandu ndu timmini nder 1905 nden waɗi taƴaaki e taƴaɓe J. B. Carr & Co. Birmingham e Francis J. Norton Jacksonville & Chicago.
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]Wurooji wurooji
[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]- Duval County nder nder National Register of Historic PlacesDeftere National Register of Historic Places
- Ofisiji Fulfulde e Tarihiiji Florida
- Wood, Wayne W.: Jacksonville's Architectural Heritage: Landmarks for the Future. Gainesville, Florida: University Press of Florida, 1996.