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Lanndi ko'e coftal

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Lanndi ko'e coftal
LesdiDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
Nder laamooreBeaufort County Taƴto
Jonde kwa'odineto32°25′58″N 80°28′32″W Taƴto
Heritage designationNational Register of Historic Places listed place Taƴto

Toɓo Coffin Point, ko galle toɓo taariindi tawaaɗo e nokku biyeteeɗo Frogmore to diiwaan Beaufort, to leydi Karolina worgo, Amerik. Ko ndema Islaam maayo.

Ebenezer Coffin, jibinaaɗo Boston e 1763, heɓii 1120 ektaar e 63 maccuɓe cottal diga baaba mum e waɗi wuro maɓɓinaama dow wuro.

Ɗum maaki wonde wuro ndu haani 1801, e bana wuro ɗuɗɗe fuɗɗam karni 19 nder nokku, ndu haani fodde tabby. Gooto nder kuuje ɓurɗe ɓeydaago nder wuro ndu woni laawol go'o e nder geɗe ɗe njahi wuro ndu.

E hitaande 1862, wakkati konu lesdi, yimɓe 260 ɓe tawon maccuɓe nder lamnde.

James Donald Cameron, senatoorɗo Amerik je'eteeɗo Republican diga Pennsylvania e hooreejo konu fu, soodi wuro man nder fuɗɗam duuɓi 1890. Henry Adams hollitii booɗnde maako to Kamerooni'en haa nder deftere maako The Education of Henry Adams.

Lindiiji ɗi'e ɓe ngaddani nder nder National Historic Register nder 28 August 1975.