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Nelson Wesley Trout

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Nelson Wesley Trout
ɓii aadama
Jinsugorko Taƴto
Ɓii-leydiyankaakuDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
InndeNelson Taƴto
Ɗuubi daygo1921 Taƴto
ƊofordeColumbus Taƴto
Date of death20 Siilto 1996 Taƴto
Sana'ajipriest, theologian, university teacher Taƴto
DiinaLutheranism Taƴto

Nelson Wesley Trout (1921–1996) woni bismaango afriknaajo-ameriknaajo gadano e nder Egliis Lutheran Evangelical to Amerik. Trout jibinaa ko to Columbus, Ohio, USA.

Trout laɓɓini bishop of the South Pacific District of the American Lutheran Church (ALC) nder 1983, nokku o waɗi haa 1987. Nder wakkati mo ɓe suɓii o ɗon moolinoowo e moolinooɗo janngude ɓaleeɓe e Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio.

Trout anndini bana mo waajotooɗo mo ɗon kolla e mo woodi baawɗe nder diina fuu. Nder golle maako fuɗɗii, o huuwani kuugal limgal nder Alabama (nde o laati masin e kollaaku Martin Luther King Jr.), California e Wisconsin, e bo darnde mawɗo Lutheran Social Services, Dayton, Ohio. Nder wakkati ɗiɗi o huuwani ALC nder kuugal fulfulde: o laati ardiiɗo mawɗo yimɓe ɓeen (1962-67) e ardiiɗo habaru habaru ha nder gariiri (1968-70).

Trout maayi nder hitaande 1996 e duuɓi 76. O haani nder Kalandaaru Lutuɓe ha nder Eklesiya Lutuɓe e Amerik nder lewru 20 Septemba.

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