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symptom type
Subclass ofclinical sign, respiratory signs and symptoms Taƴto
Has immediate causecough reflex Taƴto
Has effectdroplet infection, cleaning Taƴto
ICPC 2 IDR05 Taƴto
NCI Thesaurus IDC37935 Taƴto

Sohaango ( e ɗemngel englishi cough) ɗon kowje ɗe wurtingo heeddo taa ndaatal mawngal ngal sohaakee taa nder wurtingo heeddo taa ndaatal sohaango nyaɗɗo fooɗɗe footerɗe balletoje faro wurtankee ndiyam e nder sohaango kowje gaaɗoje belletol fooɗɗe e nder kwayaji ɗe tsarewal famarol ngal howterde yawwolla sohaango e dimma reflex sohaango e jooɗite taa faro wurtinkee tsarewal mawngal ngal wurtango heeddo taa ndaatal fooɗtale nyaɗɗo e dabbaa taa guttulle tati ɗe inhation faatalli e ɓaawo ubburde glottis e matsinde ɗe yamngo heendo diga huuhuje ɓaawo maɓɓitake glottis ɓurna sohaango e woodi sautiwal ngal musamman e sohaango fabuhitallazih kafar nyaɗɗo e dabbaa sa'ere sa'ere e ngal hollita gaanɗitol ɓaawngo yawwore sohaango mawnde burɗe de howterde kwayeeje yawwore ɗe kowcitol kiimetol diga nder alamaawal yanayeeje baylitol taangadi nyaɗɗo taa nder ndaatal jeytuugol sa'ere dygo'[1][2]

sohaango gaaɗitowal balletol too faro wurtango yawwore sohaango ɗe yaago taa nder yimmɓe heesuɓe e ɓurngol wakkati sohaango go waala ka'idaje e go waaɗite naangago yawwore foottali amma kama bano ɓaawo ɗon daanyago taa nder ndaatal mawngal ngal ƴaɓɓataako yarngo taba e heeɓetade heeddu gurɓatindo e yawwore asma e naawalla sa'ɓere e naawalla ɓerde magannije kama angiotesin comverting enzyme inhibitors e beta blockers

Noodun sohorto sohaango

[taƴto | taƴto ɗaɗi wiki]
  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cough#cite_note-:2-2
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3182093