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Yimɓe e jemma nder Calcutta

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Days and Nights in Calcutta
literary work
Genrememoir Taƴto
AuthorClark Blaise, Bharati Mukherjee Taƴto
Country of originDowlaaji Dentuɗi Taƴto
Publication date1977 Taƴto

Ñalɗi e jammaaji e nder Calcutta ko deftere ciimtol nde winndooɓe gorko e debbo biyeteeɗo Clark Blaise e Bharati Mukherjee mbinndi, nde Doubleday yaltini e hitaande 1977. Blaise, winndiyanke Kanadaa, e Mukherjee, ummoriiɗo e dowla Inndo biyeteeɗo Bengal worgo, ina ceerti fotde duuɓi sappo nde ɓe pelliti e hitaande 1973 yahdude e sukaaɓe maɓɓe ɗiɗo to... Inndo e waɗde hitaande to Kalkata (Kolkata hannde) e galle Mukherjee. Feccere adannde e deftere nde ina haalee e miijo Blaise, hono no neɗɗo hirnaange nii, ina jokkondiri e nguurndam e nder galle mawɗo toowɗo, e aadaaji e mbaadiiji nguurndam ɗi o anndaa e nder leydi Indiya. Feccere ɗimmere ndee ina haalee e miijo Mukherjee caggal duuɓi sappo e nay ɗi o woppi leydi ndi o jibinaa ndii, o ƴeewtindorii siftorde cukaagu makko e goongaaji 1973 to leydi Inndo e ƴeewtaade ko seerndi laawol ngol nguurndam makko rewi e nguurndam mo o fotnoo wuurde so tawii ko kanko heddii ko to leydi Inndo.

Fedde arandeeji Amerik, fuɗɗiiɗum nder nder hitaande 1995 diga hungry mind press hawti e deftere kesum Blaise e deftere kese nde Mukherjee waɗi, hokki feere feere dow booɗnde India ɗi ɗi ɗiɗo waɗi duuɓi ɗiɗi ɓaawo.

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